Knitajourney Podcast
Enjoy the Journey.

 Episode 3:  A Bit of Knitting, which might be subtitled In Defense of the Purl.   Mountain Colors.  Mmmmm-nummy.  Great yarns, beautiful colors.  See them here:

 OOOh -- I found a picture of the Doozers here: 

This just in:  Fraggle Rock, The Movie, coming in 2011:

A Bit of Rant:  are you willing to raise your hand and swear to "use your words" -- appropriately?  I am geeky enough to have an actual, 2-volume Oxford English Dictionary in my house.  It came as a boxed set, complete with a magnifier for easier reading of the very fine print.  For differently-geeked people, it's online here:

A Bit of Chatter:  I put it out there:  I won't be knitting socks.  The universe answered:  oh, yes you will.  The sock knitting primer suggested to my by the sock-knitting gurus in my life is Charlene Schurch's Sensational Knitted Socks.  If you wanted to, you could purchase it here:

Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:24pm CDT